A prayer of confession written to reflect on 2 Corinthians 5, in light of the Prodigal story.
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, Ridgefield-Crystal Lake Presbyterian Church
One: God, we confess
All: that we sometimes like ourselves just the way we are.
We don’t always want to be made new,
and letting go of past hurt, past wrong, past pride
seems like more than we can handle.
One: God, we confess
All: that we cannot do it alone,
and that the work is too important
to be left undone any longer.
One: God, we confess
All: that we need you to come again into our lives,
to bring us close to you, to show us your love,
to remind us what it means to be your ambassadors.
Very nice….thank you!
Meta Cramer, First Presbyterian of Salem, OH