An adaptation of the Brief Statement of Faith into a prayer of confession.
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, Ridgefield-Crystal Lake Presbyterian Church
One: Loving God, you created all things good,
All: yet, we confess, we do not always trust you.
One: You made us in your image,
All: yet we rebel against you, we hide from our Creator.
One: You gave us your word, your promise,
All: yet we ignore your commandments,
we accept lies as truth,
we exploit neighbor and nature,
we abandon your covenant.
One: And yet…
You, God, chose us
and you continue to choose us.
All: You act with mercy and compassion to redeem us
again and again.
One: Forgive our arrogance, forgive our idol-making.
Open our ears to hear your voice, O God.
All: Set us free again,
that we might put our hope, our trust, our faith
only in you. Amen.
This is really well done, Teri!