This year is the 10th anniversary of the September 11th attacks, and September 11th falls on a Sunday. Is your community doing anything to mark this anniversary? Are you wondering if/how you might incorporate something into your regular worship service? Share your ideas, thoughts, concerns, hopes here…and together we can brainstorm some liturgy, music, and other worship ideas.
We are going ahead with kick-off-Sunday on September 11, but I also want to include a litany of remembrance (perhaps in the place of the prayer of confession? perhaps incorporating the prayer of confession?). Of course, I’ll probably have to write that. Suggestions for sections, good turns-of-phrase, and such, are welcome!
Thank you for bringing this date to my worship planning awareness. I don’t have definite plans yet, but found some resources from the Mennonite peace and justice network:
We’ve decided to move the kick-off stuff to September 18. I don’t go too crazy with secular/national stuff ordinarily, but I think this one is big enough and the remembrances, TV specials, etc thick enough that I’d like to craft a service that offers a specifically faith-based remembrance.
I did notice, I think in a Presbyterians Today article, that the PC(USA) website also has some resources up already. I haven’t looked through them individually yet, but here’s the link:
I have not been able to open them for some reason. Have you or is it just me?