Submitted by Rev. Shannan Vance-Ocampo, Watchung Avenue Presbyterian Church, North Plainfield, NJ
One: We come today O Lord to make an offering to You.
All: Our lives, our vocations, our work, everything to You.
One: We come today O Lord to make an offering to You.
All: Our commitments, our callings, our selves, to You.
One: We come to today O Lord to make an offering to You.
All: Our communities, our congregation, all of it is for You.
Together: Today O Lord, we recommit ourselves, to You—who first called us to Life. Alleluia! Amen!
Teri says
I had to edit a little for space and time, so we’re using this but with one fewer section:
One: We come today, O Lord, to make an offering to You.
All: We offer our lives, our vocations, our work,
our commitments, our callings, our selves, to You.
One: We lift our voices, we offer our song.
All: Today, O Lord, we recommit ourselves to You—
who first called us to life. Amen!