Submitted by Rev. Stephanie Wing, member-at-large in Transylvania Presbytery.
The Creator calls into being all of Creation.
Here I am!
The One who never slumbers nor sleeps
has awoken us from our rest,
called us out from the comfort of our beds,
and led us to this place this morning.
Here I am!
Perhaps you are here joyfully,
but maybe for your neighbor it was a struggle to get here.
Maybe your mind is elsewhere –
on the stack of bills that must be paid,
the to-do list that runs off the page,
or perhaps there is something bigger on your minds.
You might be content, happy, peaceful, tired, troubled, or just plain bored.
Even so…
Here I am!
Still, it is not about us.
We are here because we have been created and called together
to worship and glorify God’s name.
Let us respond to that call with out worship this morning.
Here I am!
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