it’s almost officially mid-Lent. How’s that Lenten Discipline going?
How was worship yesterday? What worked, what didn’t work, and what do you hope to have happen this coming week? What atmosphere are you working to create? What theme or image are you contemplating?
Perhaps you’re following the covenant theme through the Old Testament reading–this week is the high point, with the Ten Commandments.
Perhaps you’re playing with the image of the heavens that sing and shout of God’s glory.
Perhaps you’re wondering about the inverse relationship between our foolishness and God’s power.
Or maybe you’re pondering the Temple Tantrum.
Whatever your direction, we hope you’ll share the seeds of ideas here! Even if all you have is a word or phrase, an image or vague idea, stop by in the comments and share! You never know when you might just spark someone else’s creativity (or have your own sparked!) and lead to all kinds of new creative worship ideas or new liturgy!
We had a really good day yesterday, musically and liturgically. Things flowed together in a way they don’t always, you know?
We’ve been opening worship with a hand-chime introit: last week it was just random ringing of an fminor chord. This week it was fminor7 with the added 4th…next week we’ll add the 2nd…and by March 25th we’ll be a cluster–getting more and more dissonant each week. It’s so interesting how the church bell ringing gives way to the chimes for the beginning of worship. It definitely sets a tone we are loving so far.
This week we’re off lectionary again, thinking about the obstacles to our vision (using Paul’s struck-blind story in Acts 9). What keeps us from seeing and knowing God in our midst? Particularly in light of the psalm (which may make an appearance)–even inanimate objects praise God, so why are we so unaware?
After some wonderful conversation around the texts at our Monday lectionary Bible study, I am torn between Psalm 19 and the 10 Commandments in Exodus. There was more energy around the 10 commandments, but I was really drawn to the idea of reading the Psalm and inviting people into some time of silent reflection. In my overly-wordy life, the idea of listening for the wordless proclamation of creation seems lovely. Maybe the trees and the wind can be our liturgy this week!