We are here for many different reasons.
A crowd of 5,000 people were following Jesus wherever he went
Some of them wanted to be healed like others had been…
Some of them wanted to hear the stories he was telling…
Some of them were just curious as to what all the fuss was about.
But it didn’t matter WHY the people were there…
It only mattered THAT they were there…and that they needed food.
We are here for many different reasons.
Whether we are brimming with faith,
comfortably resting in a moderate pool of faith,
clinging to that tiny speck of faith,
or living with no sense of faith at all…
We are here.
But it doesn’t matter WHY we’re here…
It doesn’t matter HOW we’re here…
It only matters THAT we’re here.
Because HERE is a place where we are all welcome.
HERE is a place where there are no walls dividing us.
HERE is a place where Christ simply says,
Take…Eat…Drink…and Remember…ALL of you!
So let’s gather…here…at this table…
whoever we are and however we are…
because Christ welcomes ALL of us…
because we are ALL guests…
and because we ALL need this food.
Submitted by Scott Cervas, pastor at Meadowthorpe Presbyterian Church (Lexington, KY)
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