Call to Confession
There are many things that can cut us off from the One True Vine. Our sins are like so much dead wood. When we confess the dead places in our lives, God offers us the forgiveness we need to prune them away and allow us to thrive once more. We come now to confess the parts of our lives that do not bear fruit…
Prayer of Confession
Gracious God, we confess that we each have places in our lives that could use some pruning. Our words do not always give grace to those who hear, our actions do not always witness to our baptism in your name. We have ignored those who need our help the most and focused on hoarding more for ourselves. Our selfish desires only serve to wither us and turn us into dying branches. Forgive us, and prune away our dead places so that we may bear fruit generously in your name…
…moment of silent confession…
Assurance of Forgiveness
We are grafted into the Living Vine. The Vinegrower has tended to us and removed our sinful and withered ways. We are given another chance to live and bear fruit. For these gifts of love and life, let us stand and sing praise!
This confession would be appropriately followed by a Gloria of some sort.
Submitted by Rev. Rebecca Page Lesley, Suffolk Presbyterian Church, Suffolk, VA
Thanks Rebecca this is great, I’m going to try it out this week! Peace- Caitlin