God, you call to us, but often we do not listen.
We are so busy speaking, we forget that conversations go two ways.
We are so busy looking for what we want, we forget to look for what you want.
Quiet our fear, our greed, and even our uncertainty,
that we may seek you, and hear you, and know you.
Forgive us our one-way conversations, our short-sighted solutions, our narrow fields of vision.
When we look only for answers, sit beside us as a friend in the questions.
When we look only for our desires, walk with us through your beautiful yet broken world.
When we look only for our own ways, open our eyes to your way,
and bring us to true life with you, today and every day.
We pray in the name of the One who lives and breathes among and within us. Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, Ridgefield-Crystal Lake Presbyterian Church, Crystal Lake IL.
Thanks Teri!