This is one of those weeks in the lectionary that, when perused on Monday morning, makes you wish for a different lectionary. Perhaps the Narrative Lectionary. Or a nice sermon series on something fun and easy. Or maybe preaching through Ezekiel or something.
But if you’re stuck with the RCL…there’s always the “ode to a capable wife” (which at least we know is not the best translation ever, but still). Perhaps you’ve been following along with Rachel Held Evans’ series on “women of valor” (a better translation of that capable wife business) and will try to tackle Proverbs 31 with a new light.
Or perhaps you’ll be contemplating how faithfulness makes us as strong as a tree…will you address the end of the psalm too, though it seems contrary to experience?
Maybe you want to take on James again this week, thinking about how living from a place of wisdom and peace can create a world of wisdom and peace, and conflict creates conflict. (for fun, take note of the verses cut out of the lectionary…interesting, eh?)
Or maybe you’re wondering: if the lectionary texts had an argument about who was the greatest, who would win, and what would Jesus say? What is success in a gospel-world, and how can we live there and in our earthly-success-world at the same time?
Lots to think about this week–where are you leaning? what seeds of ideas are waiting to sprout into a new way of encountering the Holy in worship? Leave your ideas here so we can create together!
I’m working through a mini-series (no pun intended) on Proverbs since it comes up so rarely and I don’t think I’ve ever preached it before. So I’m spending the week thinking about that capable wife… 🙂 I did some initial planning yesterday, and so far I’ve found the interesting John Bell hymn “There is a line of women” to use near the sermon. I’ll likely be talking about how women in the Bible are so much more than “capable wives.” Beyond that, I’m open to suggestions!
I love “There Is A Line of Women.” We sing it to Ellacombe instead of 7 Joys of Mary.
I’m on Mark this week, thinking about redefining success–how do we measure ourselves? what measure ought we to use? So far I know that the choir is going to sing “Seasons of Love” (from Rent–awesome), and that the Prayer of St. Francis may make its way into the plan. Other than that….I’m working on it today! I’m thinking about a confession litany that lists the various ways we measure ourselves. So I’m looking for what those ways are–what are some ways you measure yourself or your success?
Interesting thought to use Ellacombe. I’m sticking with Seven Joys of Mary, though I’ll sing the verse parts and invite the congregation to join in on the “chorus.” Hopefully it will be a little easier that way.
It’s my first Sunday in a new call and I’m tackling the gospel — not talking about who might be the greatest exactly but wrestling more so with Jesus question to the disciples about what we were talking about on the way. Right now, that’s all I’ve got.