so–are you on Reformation Sunday? All Saints? Something else? The usual lectionary? The narrative lectionary?
Perhaps you’ll be thinking about Blind Bartimaeus and his request: “let me see again.”
Perhaps you’ll be thinking about a psalm–either the Mighty Fortress one or taste-and-see.
Perhaps you’ll be contemplating Job or Jeremiah.
Or are you thinking about Hebrews and the atoning sacrifice and the priestly nature of Jesus?
Or something else entirely?
Grab some coffee or tea, a snack, and a brainstorming hat–join the conversation as we create for this week!
In case anyone wants a call to worship for Bart….
Leader: Brother Jesus, We pray this morning that you hear, see, call and heal us.
People: Jesus, have mercy on us!
Leader: Sometimes we are deaf to your voice. Other times, we can hear you so clearly that we are guides for others, pointing the way to you. Call us now.
People: Son of David, have mercy on us!
Leader: Sometimes we are blind to your signs and wonders all around us. Sometimes we can see clearly where the path ahead lies. Show us your way now.
People: Teacher, let us see again!
All: Brother Jesus, we pray this morning that you hear, see, call and heal us. Amen.
Many thanks. This was the last piece of the order of worship for Sunday-