Many prayers for all our faithful contributors and readers who are in the path of the storm–may you be dry, warm, and safe!
What happened in worship yesterday? What worked, or didn’t work? Was there a moment when the liturgy truly became the “work of the people”?
And looking toward this Sunday…are you going for All Saints, or Ordinary 31, Stewardship Commitment, or some other season/theme/series?
If you’re working on All Saints, then yesterday’s Prayers of the People post might be of use to you as you ponder and prepare. If you write something, or have just a phrase you want to work with but aren’t sure what to do with it yet, put it all in the comments and we’ll all join in the creating–a virtual cloud of witnesses to celebrate the more literal one.
If you’re working on Ordinary 31, perhaps you’ll be pondering the relationships of 3 women in Ruth, or the High Priestly nature of Jesus, or Praising the Lord!!!! with the Psalm, or answering the eternal question about the most important commandment.
If you have stewardship commitment this Sunday…is it also a communion Sunday for you? How do you combine those two things in the service without giving the impression that one pays for the privilege of coming to the table?
Lots to think about this week–let’s create together!
In the midst of the post-Sandy world of the NYC outer boroughs, I’m thinking about All Saints, specifically the promise of God to make all things new. Texts will be Revelation 21:1-6 and Isaiah 25:6-9, and we’ll be using a beautiful “Act of Remembrance” litany from the PCUSA Office of Theology and Worship.