One: God has called us together to worship and work
All: young and old, men and women, newcomer and charter member.
One: God has called us together to love and to serve
All: introverts and extroverts, leaders and followers.
One: God has called us together to teach and to learn
All: faithful and doubting, hopeful and despairing, wise and foolish.
One: God has called us together to praise and to pray
All: singer and speaker and hearer, healer and in need of healing.
One: God has called us together to be the church
All: and we are filled with gifts to be God’s people!
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, the Presbyterian Church of Palatine, IL.
Thank you Teri!! This will be used (with credit) at St. Peter’s Lutheran in Verona, NY this coming Sunday. Love it!