O God, you call us to sing your song anew, yet we confess that sometimes we don’t feel much like singing. Sometimes we just want to sing of the past. Other times we ignore the witness of your people singing out through the ages. Forgive us when we trap your good news in our preferred language, when we insist that your grace must be known through our approved tunes, when we limit your story to the good old days. Forgive us when our lips are sealed in protest or in fear. Forgive us when we keep our voices low and our feet firmly planted, refusing to join you in the song and dance of holy life. Open our lips, O God, that we may proclaim your praise. Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, the Presbyterian Church of Palatine, IL
wow, this confession is so true…too true? Dare I challenge the congregation (and myself) to speak this?
jp–I added a new line that addresses that sometimes we have the opposite of the stuck-in-the-past problem.
FWIW, I’m using this on Sunday and hoping for the best, however dangerous it may seem now. 🙂
I will be using this as well, thank you for adding the line and for articulating a needed confession. Going boldly with the Spirit!
Teri –
This is wonderful and so fitting for my upcoming Music Sunday! May I use it??
Christina–absolutely yes! You can use anything you find on this site–LiturgyLink is an opensource resource for all churches. Glad you found us!
Does anyone who has a Music Sunday Program flow to share?