One: You, Lord, call us to faithfully follow where you lead.
All: We confess that we are impatient with your way. Forgive us when we take matters into our own hands, unwilling to wait for your time.
One: You, Lord, call us to open our eyes to your presence.
All: We confess that we often see you only where and when we want to see. Forgive us for ignoring you when it is convenient for us, missing your image reflected in every face, passing by your word in our midst.
One: You, Lord, call us to be carriers of your blessing for the world.
All: We confess that most often, we are interested only in blessing ourselves. Forgive us when we hoard your blessing, and when we think we can define and limit your blessing.
One: Gracious God,
All: empty us of our selfish and divisive ways, and make us again into your body, loving and serving and caring for the world. Create us anew as your image-bearers, so all may see your glory and know your good news.
We pray in the name of Jesus the Christ, who offered himself as a witness to your faithful love. Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, the Presbyterian Church of Palatine, IL
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