Originally designed to be sung during the Great Prayer of Thanksgiving
Joy of Our Mornings (tune: Bunessan, Morning Has Broken)
God of creation, Lord of all beauty,
all creatures join in singing your love;
holy compassion, joy of our mornings,
fill us with grace which comes from above.
Christ of the outcast, comfort of mourners,
neighbor to strangers, love without end;
bearer of burdens, grace ever-with-us,
blessing our children, brother and friend.
Spirit of kindness, breath of forgiveness,
faithful companion, just as Christ said;
God’s little children gathered together,
drink of salvation, feast on your bread.
Submitted by Rev. Thom M. Shuman, Interim Pastor, Immanuel Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati, OH
This was a wonderful Great Thanksgiving piece – I used it as part of the installation service this week! Thanks so much for providing it. 🙂