Call to Reconciliation
God has a vision of a time and place where enemies
become best friends, where the world is a playground
for all children. But we know how we resist living in
such a kingdom, for our eyes are blinded by sin.
Let us confess to our God, as we pray, saying,
Unison Prayer of Confession
On this day we confess, God of righteousness, how we have not been your
people. When we are offered the opportunity to get between the poor and
those who would shove them aside, we too easily step out of the way. When
we could stand up for those in need, we prefer to sit on the sidelines.
When we are called to be servant leaders, we choose to act as if others
should wait on us.
Have mercy on us, Blessing God. As we repent, we would see the kingdom
which is in our midst. By your grace, we discover that in your strange
economy of grace, all people matter; by your love, we can bear fruit of
compassion and hope; by your peace, we can clothe others in your justice,
even as Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, wraps us in justice.
Silence is kept
Assurance of Pardon
L: We confess, and so we rejoice, for God has accepted us for who we are,
and claimed us as God’s own children.
P: We lift our praise to God, who fills us with hope and grace. Thanks be
to God, we are forgiven! Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Thom Shuman, Lectionary Liturgies
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