One: Loving God, you offer us your whole self, and ask us to trust and obey.
All: We confess that sometimes it is hard to trust and hard to walk your path.
When we ignore your call and follow our own way instead, forgive us.
One: Lord Jesus, you offer us not just healing, but wholeness.
All: We confess that we’re often not interested in that inner work, only in just enough to continue on our way without facing those things that keep us from you.
When we allow fear to rule, rather than standing up with courage, forgive us.
One: Holy Spirit, you bring new life into every place.
We confess that sometimes we like things just the way they are, and the newness is scary.
When we insist on seeing before believing, forgive us.
One: Holy God, fill us again with your grace, your hope, your peace,
All: and help us to be your faithful people in the world.
One: We pray in the name of the One who disrupts the world with love, Jesus the Christ.
All: Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, The Presbyterian Church of Palatine, IL.
Beautiful prayer of confession, Teri. Thank you!