Holy God,
you spoke the world into being
telling a story of life and hope and love.
Still you speak, creating with your word
calling forth light from darkness.
You fill the earth with your glory,
visible to any who look for you.
Give us eyes to see.
We give you thanks for you are faithful.
You have promised your presence,
and your love never fails.
Now make us into agents of your grace.
Make your presence known to others
through our love, our compassion, our helping hands.
Speak your creating story through our voices.
And where darkness reigns and silence deafens,
may your Living Word shine through,
from Ukraine to Sudan and Syria to Korea,
from the streets of Nigeria to the streets of Chicago,
from the halls of congress to the halls of our homes,
let your voice ring out,
telling a story of love so great that death cannot end it,
a story of life for all people,
a story of your presence in, with, and among your people.
We seek you, O God.
Not just your path, but you.
Reveal yourself again in your church,
and in your world.
Show your face, and let your voice be heard.
Take your church by the hand
and lead us along your path,
telling us your story again and again
until we cannot help but tell it too.
It is in you that we live, and move, and have our being,
and so we listen for your heart,
until ours beats in time with yours.
We are your people, Lord, your creation and your beloved.
Make us into your body, loving, serving, and caring for the world.
We pray in the name of Jesus the Christ, the Living Word, who taught us to pray together…
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, the Presbyterian Church of Palatine, IL
Amen! Thank you, Teri, for this excellent prayer!
Thank you so much for this prayer. These are the words we need for this Sunday in my congregation. Blessings…