Great God of all that is,
and was, and yet may be –
by your Word the cosmos became
you called for light, and light was
and it was good, many times over, good.
You are the one in whom we stand,
the rock on which we build,
the wave that levels all.
No life lives apart from you,
and no death comes that is secret from you.
We thank you for being, for making, and for knowing.
Christ Jesus, the Logos of God made flesh,
living all life at once, and for all time,
you offered your words on mountain and plain,
at sea and at table,
on the cross and after.
We treasure your words,
and listen for your knock at the door,
your voice calling us out of the dark.
Holy Spirit, indwelling life,
you intercede for us with sighs
when we have no words of our own.
You are the fire on the tongue,
and the tongues of fire,
the light in the dark,
the wisdom of the foolish,
the strength of the child
and the vigor of the old.
You subdue the violent,
overthrow the dominant,
and breathe new life into the least of us.
You make a way where there is no way,
and are God present with us.
In the name of creator, redeemer and sustainer,
Yahweh, Iesus, Parakletos,
Being, Love and Life,
we are thankful for all that is,
all that was, and all that yet may be.
submitted by Rev. Doug Hagler, First Presbyterian Church, Phoenixville, PA
Dang Doug. This is great. I’m impressed – this doesn’t happen all that often – and then I see you wrote it.