Christ our Savior, Lord of all,
as we journey with you we are aware of the difficulty and suffering of the world you love so dearly.
There are those who suffer rejection, injustice, and violence for their commitment to your way or their differences from the religious majority in their land.
Blessed Jesus, Hear us when we pray.
There are many who seek power and status to fill a deeper need than the world can fill; there are many more who are oppressed or ignored on account of that pursuit of power.
Blessed Jesus, Hear us when we pray.
There are children who depend on others to speak for them, sinners who long to know that they are welcomed into your love, and misfits who struggle to know where they belong.
Blessed Jesus, Hear us when we pray.
There are those who face illness and death today, and there are those who grapple with broken and hurtful relationships; there are so many who cry out for mercy.
Blessed Jesus, Hear us when we pray.
And there are so many who seek to follow you, who are learning to serve their neighbors in love and treat their enemies with compassion.
Blessed Jesus, Hear us when we pray.
We are among those who would follow, and we place our lives at your disposal, joining together in the prayer you taught, saying: …The Lord’s Prayer
Submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams, Echo Hill Presbyterian Church, Cedar Rapids, IA
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