Call to Confession
The one who knit us together in our mothers’ wombs
searches us and knows our hearts.
There is no hiding our sin from our Creator,
but also no need to hide.
For the Lord is gracious and merciful,
slow to anger and full of love.
Trusting in the one who makes us whole,
let us offer our whole selves to God.
Prayer of Confession
Holy God,
You claimed us before the foundation of the world,
and set us apart for your work –
to pluck up the weeds of injustice
and tear down walls that divide;
to plant seeds of compassion
and build your kingdom of peace.
Too often we cower in fear,
Instead of stepping out in faith.
Like Jeremiah, we make excuses –
we are too young, or too old;
we do not have the right gifts
or the experience to lead.
Forgive us, God, when we resist our callings
and choose what is comfortable over what is faithful.
Help us remember that – in You –
we are fully known and fully loved.
May this assurance give us courage in our calling
to pluck up and to tear down,
to build and to plant,
in service to Christ our Lord.
Submitted by Rev. Sudie Niesen Thompson, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Wilmington, DE
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