Wonderful Counselor. Mighty God. Everlasting Father. Prince of Peace. The prophet gave us many names to use when we speak of Jesus.
Friend. Disciple. Neighbor. Beloved. Jesus gives us many names to use when we speak of each other.
Communion. Eucharist. Heavenly banquet. The Lord’s Supper. This meal is known by many names, but only one person prepares it, and invites us to partake of it, and that is Christ, our brother, our savior and our friend.
And in a way we cannot explain, we are never closer to Christ than when we dine here together. The invitation is for each of you: all who are faithful, and all who doubt. All who are fearful, and all who are strong.
Come to the table; it may be familiar, or it may be brand new to you. This table does not belong to the Presbyterian Church, it belongs to Jesus Christ—and it is he who invites everyone to share in the bread of life and the cup of grace.
Come share this joyful feast, for all is ready.
This is a beautiful invitation. Thank you for sharing it.