We praise you, O God, our refuge and strength,
for you are always present to help and give hope.
In the beginning, you moved the earth
and shook the mountains loose from the depths of the sea.
You quieted the raging tumult,
and you watered the earth with your life-giving rivers.
You created humanity in your image
and charged us with stewardship of your creation.When the time was right, your Beloved came to dwell in our midst,
so that we might become your holy habitation.
Jesus taught, healed, and fed
to show us the way of life.
The powers of death plunged him into night,
but your life prevailed at the break of day.
The world’s powers raged and shook;
you spoke your vindication, and the tomb melted away.You are yet with us, Lord of hosts;
O God of Jacob, you are our stronghold.
Pour out your Holy Spirit upon us
and upon this bread and cup,
so we may share this meal with Christ
and become one with him.
Give your church power and grace
to do the works of the Lord upon the earth;
to make war to cease in all the world;
to break the weapons of hatred, and shatter the tools of division,
and burn away all defensiveness.
for you are always present to help and give hope.
In the beginning, you moved the earth
and shook the mountains loose from the depths of the sea.
You quieted the raging tumult,
and you watered the earth with your life-giving rivers.
You created humanity in your image
and charged us with stewardship of your creation.When the time was right, your Beloved came to dwell in our midst,
so that we might become your holy habitation.
Jesus taught, healed, and fed
to show us the way of life.
The powers of death plunged him into night,
but your life prevailed at the break of day.
The world’s powers raged and shook;
you spoke your vindication, and the tomb melted away.You are yet with us, Lord of hosts;
O God of Jacob, you are our stronghold.
Pour out your Holy Spirit upon us
and upon this bread and cup,
so we may share this meal with Christ
and become one with him.
Give your church power and grace
to do the works of the Lord upon the earth;
to make war to cease in all the world;
to break the weapons of hatred, and shatter the tools of division,
and burn away all defensiveness.
Still us, that we may know you are God;
In all that we do let us exalt your name;
in all that we do let us serve your reign upon earth.
Join us at this table, Lord of hosts;
be our stronghold, God of Jacob;
we pray in the name of the one who was and is and is to come.
As Christ’s people, we join together in the prayer he taught…
Submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams, Covenant Presbyterian Church, West Des Moines, IA
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