It has been a long while since we opened a discussion post on LiturgyLink, but these are unusual times… How are you responding to COVID-19 in worship? We know about live-streaming and even have heard some great ideas for using Zoom interactively for worship. Share your other resources and ideas in the comments or email them to us at
Here are two liturgies for the Call to Worship I’ve used during remote zoom worship, free to be used or adapted by anyone.
L: Buildings are closed,
P: And yet, the Church, God’s people, have still gathered!
L: Events have been cancelled,
P: And yet, God still shows up!
L: The news keeps on changing,
P: And yet, the good news of Jesus Christ is still abundant life!
L: Our routines have been shaken,
P: And yet–even here, even now–there’s something familiar.
L: We have no bulletins, no hymnals, no pews,
P: And yet scripture will be read, prayers lifted, and good news shared.
L: People of God, we have come to worship!
P: Let us lift our voices together in praise!
L: We belong to God.
P: God’s stamp is on our lives.
L: We belong to each other.
P: We are the Body of Christ!
L: Though separated geographically, we gather together for worship this day.
P: We give thanks for both the Spirit and the technology that bring us together!
L: God’s love and compassion is built into us.
P: God’s mercy and hope flow through us.
L: Let’s celebrate the powerful presence of God.
P: Let’s rejoice in this opportunity to worship together!