Creator of Palms and Presence in Passion, you were there.
You were there for the triumphant entry –
riding a donkey and colt
(untied for sacred purpose)
on a road
covered with cloaks
padded with palms.
You were there to battle injustice –
ejecting merchants
overturning tables
toppling benches
rejecting the den of robbers
ensuring a house of prayer.
You were there to witness generosity –
the rich giving much
(a pittance from their abundance)
the widow giving all
(everything she had)
teaching discipleship.
You were there in a new commandment –
“Love one another –
Just as I have loved you,
you also should love one another”
Love the Lord your God with all…
Love one another as you hope to be loved.
You were there to forgive –
two who did not know
many who did know
Praying on their behalf
on our behalf
grace upon grace upon grace.
Creator of Palms and Presence in Passion, you are here.
Entering our lives in unexpected ways –
exposing injustice
welcoming generosity
fostering love
widening grace
inviting discipleship.
Entering our lives in more familiar ways –
companionship in isolation
spoken word in silence
laughter in restless longing
quiet in constant murmur
nourishment for every hour.
Entering our lives as you entered Jerusalem –
humble leader
adamant prophet
quiet observer
thoughtful teacher
steadfast servant.
Creator of Palms and Presence in Passion, you were there – you are here.
Grant us what we need
that we may receive what you offer
and share what you give.
submitted by Katherine Kussmaul, Saint Giles Presbyterian Church, Raleigh, North Carolina
Katherine, I’ve found your recent prayers very moving. Thank you.