Your abiding place is so lovely,
O Lord of hosts!
Our souls want nothing more than to be close to you;
our hearts and our bodies rejoice in your living presence.
You make space even for the sparrows and the swallows
to build nests and raise their young;
make room for everyone to dwell in your presence,
praising you with joy forever!
Give strength to all people who seek you;
sustain and refresh all who journey;
give rain and sunlight for those who tend the land.
In all things, lift up those who look for healing, for justice, and for peace.
Make yourself known to these whom we lift up before you…
Lord God of hosts, hear our prayer;
give ear, O God of Jacob;
for we pray with Jesus Christ, saying together:
The Lord’s Prayer
Submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams, Covenant Presbyterian Church, West Des Moines, IA
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