O God, you are the source of all beauty, longing, and delight:
accept the words of this prayer as human skill and loving praise.
In grace, you speak and pour out beauty on all creation.
We pray that we might have the capacity to recognize
your glory and splendor in every beloved life.
Shape our hearts to delight in your truth, humility, and righteousness!
Let your justice and wholeness prevail
in the face of everything that stands in the way of your love.
Anoint your people, including this church,
with the oil of joy and the perfume of hope.
Let everything we do sing your praises and bring you delight.
We pray especially for your precious ones,
those who are poor or in need whom you would especially favor…
We pray for your care, your healing, and your reconciliation.
We pray that our hearts would rejoice in those whose wholeness is often hidden from us.
We pray that your abundant grace would teach us to celebrate every person as your creation.
We praise you, God our sovereign, forever and always,
and we lift up your name from one generation to the next,
joining with Jesus as we pray together:
The Lord’s Prayer
Submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams, Covenant Presbyterian Church, West Des Moines, IA
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