We praise your greatness, O Lord,
and our spirits rejoice in you, our Savior.
You looked with favor on your unlikely servant Mary,
and she delivered a blessing for all generations.
You, the Almighty, have done great things, and your name is ever holy.
From the depth of your compassion,
you gave life to Jesus, your Son,
who came to show mercy on those who need you most,
from generation to generation.
His perfect love showed your strength,
and his humility made the proud stumble.
His death cast down from their thrones the powers of death,
and his resurrection lifted humanity up from the lowliness of the grave.
Come upon us now with your Holy Spirit,
and let your power overshadow this meal, O Most High.
As we share this bread and cup,
fill us with the life of Jesus Christ.
May we bear him into the world once again,
so that we may empty ourselves of unjust wealth
and fill the hungry with good things.
Make us your servant people,
signs of your promise of mercy,
in the name of the coming Christ.
We pray in his name, saying…
Submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams , Covenant Presbyterian Church, West Des Moines, IA