O Lord, God of Jacob,
we pray for all those who are in trouble.
Lord, send help for your people
and grace from your heavenly throne.
We pray for the faithful ones
who dedicate their every moment to your service.
Shape their hearts according to your love,
and give them what they seek in your will.
We pray for those who glorify and praise you.
Give them your faithful love
and grant that their rejoicing will bear witness to you.
We pray for those who are in need;
for these whom we lift up by name today…
and for all who are in danger or suffering.
Answer your people’s prayers
with healing, justice, and salvation.
We pray for those who are tempted to trust in their own strength,
and we pray for those who have nothing to count on but you.
Uphold your people by your name,
cleanse us by your grace,
and guide us wherever we go.
Lord, answer our prayers
in the name of your eternal anointed one, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams, Covenant Presbyterian Church, West Des Moines, IA
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