We give you thanks, O God, for you are at work in your world. As we open our hands to offer these gifts, we open our hearts to offer ourselves, a living witness to your grace and goodness. May your blessing multiply in this and every place, until all know the glory of your love. Amen
confession: the same?
“Be of the same mind,” says God.
But we like to be independent, each going our own way, dancing to our own beat.
“Have the same love,” says Christ.
But we are not even certain what love is, let alone how to do it.
“Do nothing from selfish ambition, and look not to your own interests but to those of others,” says the Spirit.
But then how will we get ahead? How will we secure our future? How will we have enough?
“Be one with the mind of Christ, who was obedient to the end.”
We bristle at the obedience—we like to believe we are in the lead.
Forgive us, O God,
for we have replaced you with our own ideals, created you in the image of our cultural and economic dream, and situated ourselves at the top of the heap.
Yet you call us to let go, to be humble, to look always to Christ who emptied himself.
Empty us of all that harms, so we may be filled with your Spirit.
Assurance of Forgiveness
Hear this good news: God is at work in you. Live this truth: God’s grace is more than enough for whatever you carry. Know that you are forgiven, loved, and free.
We will rejoice and be glad! Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, the Presbyterian Church of Palatine
CTW: You are at work
You are at work in this place, O God,
and you are at work in us.
You call us to turn our minds and hearts to you,
to direct our wills to your will, our voices to your praise.
Guide us in joy,
that we may worship you not only with words, but with our lives. Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, the Presbyterian Church of Palatine, IL
confession: dodged your call
God of all gods, Master of all kings, we have dodged your call and detoured from your path so much that we are often lost and cannot hear you. We deny dreams of your kingdom come, your will done by rebuilding ruins with relics. Our exile from you means a nightmare of struggling with others. Forgive our self worship and reveal the mystery of the dream you have for us…
(silent prayer)
Submitted by Rev. J. Christy Ramsey, Carson City NV
dedication: overflowing with love
With joy and gratitude we come before you, Lord, bearing the gifts you have given us. Our hearts are full, our hands are lifted up, and we bring you all we have and all we are. May this offering be a blessing overflowing with love into your world. May we be a blessing, overflowing with love into your world. Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, the Presbyterian Church of Palatine, IL
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