Jesus opens the way for us to live in your kingdom.
Give us your Holy Spirit, so we can hear his call
and respond with service;
for your service sets us free. Amen.
a community creating for the relentless return of Sunday
based on Joel 2:1-2,12-17
Blow the trumpet in Zion; shout on God’s holy Mountain!
Everyone will be afraid, God’s Judgement is on its way,
the Day of the Lord is almost here.
It’ll be a day like we’ve never seen – a day of dark and gloom,
clouds and darkness!
Shadows will spread over everything as a huge army comes,
one like there has never or will never be.
But it’s not too late, God calls to each of us:
“Come back to me, come fasting, crying, and sorry for
your sins!”
Tear your hearts, not just your clothes. Come back to your
God because God is compassionate, merciful, patient,
loving, and ready to forgive.
Blow the horn, demand a fast, call special services;
Gather everyone in and prepare them for a special meeting!
Bring everyone in: the elderly and the young, even infants, even men and women on their honeymoon—do what it takes to get them there, let them say, “Have mercy, O God, on us
your people!”
submitted by Rev. Will Ryan, First Christian Church Burlington IA
Still us, that we may know you are God;
In all that we do let us exalt your name;
in all that we do let us serve your reign upon earth.
Join us at this table, Lord of hosts;
be our stronghold, God of Jacob;
we pray in the name of the one who was and is and is to come.
As Christ’s people, we join together in the prayer he taught…
Submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams, Covenant Presbyterian Church, West Des Moines, IA
submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams (he/him), Covenant Presbyterian Church, West Des Moines, IA
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