CTW: wonderful things
Advent 2: The Path to the Holy Mountain
Call to Worship/Lighting Advent Candles
The Advent journey has begun.
We have started getting ready for Christmas.
The light of one candle has guided us this little way.
The hope we have for something new is not enough to show us the way.
We need more light for the journey
if we are to find our way to God’s holy mountain,
the place where beloved community becomes real,
where all creation can dwell together without fear.
As we light this second Advent candle and continue on the journey to this holy place,
we remember that God’s light shows us that things can and will be different.
When things are at their most broken,
God can and will make all things new.
Friends, let us share our hope for this journey together:
Come, let us walk in the light of the Lord!
Prayer of Confession
God of hope,
you promise a new and different way of life,
and you invite us to join you on the path to get there.
Yet we usually prefer to stay on our own path.
We put ourselves before others
and so destroy the gift of life in each of us.
We fill our days with human pessimism,
assuming that nothing will ever get better
rather than welcoming your deep divine hope.
Forgive us, Lord.
Show us your hope anew in Jesus this Advent,
that we might see your branch sprouting anew in our midst
and fill our lives and the whole earth with our embrace of you.
submitted by Rev. Andy James, First Presbyterian Church, Whitestone, New York
part of The Path to the Holy Mountain series
Advent Hymn: Lord, Our Shepherd…
tune: Genevan 42 (comfort, comfort ye my people)
text: Stephen Fearing
Lord, our Shepherd and our comfort, hear us now, your people cry.
Show yourself and shine upon us, save your sheep and loose your light.
Darkness cannot win the day; guide our feet and show the way.
Lord, your light and love is spoken; never more shall we be broken.
We, your vine, have always needed your provision and your care.
You, our God, brought us from Egypt; all was perfect, all was fair.
Why must we return to sin? Why must always we give in?
Come, attend and plant within us light that always shines out from us.
We have long rebuked and wandered; you have brought our sins to light.
We have fought and we have tarnished; you have pushed us from your sight.
Give us chance to live and learn! May no more your anger burn!
Make your face to shine upon us and no more shall darkness hide us.
Lord, our hope and our salvation, hear us now, we pray and plea.
Show yourself and shine upon us. Open us and help us see.
Darkness will not win the day! Light will come and always stay!
God will be our jubilation; evermore our restoration!
Submitted by Stephen Fearing. Follow him on twitter: @stephenmfearing
prayers for Advent
need an opening prayer? A shortened prayer of confession/reconciliation? A preface for the prayers of the people? Here you go:
December 1:
God, we are ready for hope. We long for the light of hope to shine in our lives. Yet as we rush through our days, we fail to see the hope-filled gifts you’ve given us. Help us slow down. Enter our hearts with a gentle reminder of the hope you bring. Open our eyes to the many blessings we’ve received so that we can turn toward others and share your gifts of hope.
December 8:
God, we are ready for peace. We long to receive the Prince of Peace in our world. Yet as we fill our lives with holiday projects, family activities and everyday tasks, we find it hard to make the time to welcome the light of peace. We need your help, O God. Guide us along the path toward healing and grace. Kindle the flame of your peace within us, so that each day, each moment, we can shine the light of your love.
December 15:
God, we are ready for joy. We long to be filled with your joyful good news. Yet as even as we dream of the days when the hungry will be filled and the oppressed will be freed, we worry about what we might have to give up so that all your people can have enough. Give us courage to set aside our privilege. Give us strength to help bring about a world where everyone can sing songs of joy.
December 22:
God, we are ready for love. We long to be held in your gentle and loving care. Yet even as we plan and prepare to celebrate the birth of our loving Savior, we find ourselves exhausted and unable to offer a moment to a friend in need. Touch our hearts and renew us with your love. Remind us that your gracious gift of love is the greatest gift of all. Help us share your loving presence with those around us.
Submitted by Rev. Debra Avery, First Presbyterian Church, Oakland CA.
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