You, O God, love beyond our deserving and ask us to do the same.
When we insist you must work according to our understanding, forgive us Lord.
When we believe that your word is full of nice but impractical ideas, forgive us Lord.
When we resist because you can’t possibly have meant that, forgive us Lord.
When we condense your life into only your death, forgive us Lord.
We confess that there are so many ways we refuse your call, hurt our neighbor, and threaten the creation you entrusted to our care. Have mercy on us, O God, in our brokenness.
One: Help us, O God,
All: to know you so well that we cannot help but love you, and to love you so much we cannot help but serve you, sharing your good news in every place, for it is in doing your will that we find perfect freedom. Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, The Presbyterian Church of Palatine, IL.
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