Call to Reconciliation:
God begs us to turn from those words, those acts, those obstacles
which keep us from being God’s people. As we begin our Lenten journey,
I invite you to join with me, with words and in silence, as we bring
our brokenness to God who desires to make us whole.
Unison Prayer of Confession:
Too long have traveled our own ways, Approaching God, too long have
we sought to satisfy our hidden desires. We have trusted the
falsehoods of the world, and relied on the power which would consume
our souls. We have sought healing from impostors, and rejected the One
who was broken for our wholeness.
Have mercy on us, God whose love overflows our deepest hopes. Let
our hearts be a sanctuary for your Spirit; let our lives abound in
service to others; let our spirits reflect the One we call our Lord
and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Silence is observed
Assurance of Pardon:
L: God lets go of the punishment we deserve and gives us mercy in its
place. Willingly, God puts a new spirit into us, the spirit of hope
and joy.
P: We will sing to the One who has delivered us from our sins. We
will praise God with cleansed hearts. Thanks be to God. Amen.
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