One: Loving Lord, how often we face tragic news we cannot understand. Our hearts may echo Martha and Mary at Lazarus’s tomb, who said, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.”
All: Lord, if you had been here, our hearts would not be heavy.
One: Lord, if you had been here, these people would not be hungry.
All: Lord, if you had been here, our climate would not be on the brink.
One: We each bring our own situation in silence, when we say, “Lord if you had been here…” (moment of silence) Lord, have mercy on us.
All: Forgive us when we forget your presence and deny love’s work.
One: In prayer, show us you are with us in the deepest sense, and that you weep with all who mourn.
All: Remind us how tragedy and injustice break your heart, and help us see you nearby, wherever people go hungry or your creation is threatened.
One: Grant us faith to trust you are truly here, with us, bringing new life we can now only imagine.
All: Give us hope, that looking towards your resurrection, we might discover and share glimpses of that new life already coming among us, in your name, Amen. (silent prayer)
Assurance of Grace
One: Friends, hear the good news: Seen or unseen, God is with us. Bidden or unbidden, Christ is present.
All: May we live assured of what we cannot see, trusting in the power who makes all things new. Thanks be to God!
Sung response: What a Friend We Have In Jesus, verse 1
Submitted by Laura Cunningham, Western Presbyterian Church, Washington, DC
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