God, I appreciate the extra effort and energy we pour into our holy days. I love when the sanctuary is fuller than usual. I love the banners and flowers and special music. And, God, I love ordinary days like today. Days when we bring our best to worship you in the regular part of the church years. Days like today remind me how much of our life is spent in ordinary time. We go to work. We go to school. We wish it was the weekend or vacation or any day but today. God, give us the courage to live in the now. Help us to live into the ordinary days of our lives and of the church year. Remind us again that this day is a gift from you in all its ordinariness. For this day, we give you thanks, Gracious God, because you gave us another day to love you and to love each other. On this ordinary day in ordinary time, we will worship you, Loving God. Amen.
POP–unshakeable foundation
Prayers of the People (based on Psalm 41)
O God, our unshakeable foundation,
hear us as we offer our prayers for all who are afflicted.
We pray for those who are poor and in need,
that you would deliver them in the time of trouble
and grant abundant joy.
We pray on behalf of the world: Come, Holy Spirit!
We pray for those who are sick or injured,
and for all who minister to them,
that the blessings of health and wholeness would be made real.
We pray on behalf of the world: Come, Holy Spirit!
We pray for those who are near death,
or who mourn the loss of loved ones today.
Teach us to rightly remember those who have gone ahead of us,
and help us to entrust our lives to you even in death.
We pray on behalf of the world: Come, Holy Spirit!
We pray for those who face hostility, violence,
or broken relationships in their everyday life.
We pray for our enemies, calling upon your steadfast mercy.
We pray on behalf of the world: Come, Holy Spirit!
O Lord, you hold us fast,
and you lift us up forever by the power of your Holy Spirit.
Therefore we pray with boldness,
joining together in the prayer Christ taught, saying:
The Lord’s Prayer
Submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams, Echo Hill Presbyterian Church, Marion IA
Great Thanksgiving: The Source
May God’s presence be with you!
And also with you!
People of God, lift up your hearts to the Holy One.
We lift them up to the One Who Lives.
With prayer and celebration, with lives lived in love, let us praise God in reverent silence and shouts of joy!
We will praise God, waking and sleeping, singing and laughing, in thought and deed. Thanks be to God!
Holy and Beloved God, the Source of Life, we offer you our thanks and praise! Your presence is felt within us all, like the warmth of the fire on a chilly spring morning – and your holy presence wraps around us, so that we can see you in all things. There are times when our vision falters – and then, you send your Prophets, who help us see you more clearly. There are times when we feel abandoned and alone – and then, you send your Word to hold us close to you, so that we can hear your heartbeat, and be comforted.
Together with those who are offering their eternal thanks and praise, with those who shout with joy, and those who love you in their innermost being, we sing our praises to you:
Holy, Holy, Holy are you, Source of All. You fill all of creation and time with your glory. Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is the One who walks in your Way. Hosanna in the highest!
You offer us your Word, your Way, your Truth, your Life, beloved God. Your Love continues to be revealed in the person of Christ, who teaches us to pray to you, to love each other, and to teach, heal, and make disciples wherever you lead us. Christ lives in your Shalom, and calls us to live in peace and understanding.
As we remember the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, we speak the mystery of faith:
Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.
Pour out your Holy Spirit on all gathered here, in body or in spirit. And pour out your Holy Spirit on these gifts of bread and cup, that we too would be filled with your wisdom and discernment, your grace and love, your transforming light and your eternal life. By your Spirit, make us one with Christ, one with each other, and one in your image in the world. When we gather at this table, may it be a taste of the banquet of Heaven to come, when Jesus returns in celebration and glory. Blessed are you, beloved God – beloved Christ – beloved Spirit – together the One Source of all that is and that shall ever be. Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Lucus Levy Keppel, Ancho + Corona Presbyterian Churches, New Mexico
Prayer of Dedication (based on 2 Cor. 1:3-11) – Narrative 5/22/16
Blessed are you, O God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! We give thanks for the blessings you have granted us, and we commit these offerings to your use. Receive them and bless them for the consolation of all who are in need, just as we have been consoled in Christ. Thanks be to God! Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams, Echo Hill Presbyterian Church, Marion IA
Benediction–Claimed by the Spirit
Benediction – based on 2 Cor. 5:20
You are claimed by the Holy Spirit
to be an outpost of heaven on earth.
Go therefore to bear the life of Christ to all people,
forgiving and reconciling in Jesus’ name.
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ,
the love of God,
and the communion of the Holy Spirit
be with you all. Alleluia! Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams, Echo Hill Presbyterian Church, Marion IA
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