We gather in the darkness of evening to celebrate the newborn Light.
With family and friends we worship and adore the Christ-child.
With Mary we will ponder these things in our hearts.
With Joseph we will give thanks to the Lord for God’s steadfast love.
Lift up your hearts in thanksgiving, for a child, the Child, has been born!
We gather to worship him and welcome his peaceful kingdom.
His name will be blessed among all the earth;
His reign shall have no end!
Come, our wait is finished! Let us worship the newborn King!
Christmas Eve wreath lighting
Lighting the Four Candles
(the sung response between each candle is optional. For the Christ Candle liturgy, scroll to the bottom)
Together, we light this candle of hope
to represent the longing that resides in our hearts:
for a safer world,
for a world rid of warfare and oppression,
fear and hatred.
Only light will drive out the darkness.
This hope is found in the God who has come to save us.
Light One Candle For Messiah–Hymn No. 85 in Glory to God (verse 1)
Together, we light this candle of peace
to represent the unity we have amongst each other:
as human beings,
as beloved children of God,
as disciples called to live in harmony with one another.
Only as partners in peace can we stand against violence.
This peace is found in a newborn child, cradled in his mother’s arms.
Hymn No. 85 in Glory to God (verse 2)
Together, we light this candle of joy
to represent the delight that is found in the coming of our savior:
in the birth of hope,
in the fruition of faithfulness,
in the warmth of God’s love for a broken world.
Only joy can give us strength to continue our work.
This joy is found in a God who finds joy in us!
Hymn No. 85 in Glory to God (verse 3)
Together, we light this candle of love
to represent the home we have in God’s steadfast shalom:
a home built with peace and kindness,
righteousness and justice,
where all are invited to the Table to partake in the feast.
Only love can bring us together. Only love can save our souls.
This love is found tonight in a manger, in Mary’s arm and in our own.
Hymn No. 85 in Glory to God (verse 4)
Long we have waited, long we have watched for his coming.
God is not satisfied to remain apart from us, God must be one among us.
We are God’s people, shepherd of God’s flock,
children of God’s redeeming.
We light this candle to represent Christ’s presence, his everlasting reign.
We give thanks to God for the fulfillment of hope, peace, joy, and love.
POP: restore and magnify
Let us pray to the Lord our God saying:
“Restore us, O God, and make your face to shine upon us that we might be saved.”:
Our souls magnify you, O Lord, and our Spirits rejoice in you, our Savior!
For you have looked upon the lowliness of your servants,
you have heard our cry and saved your people.
We shall be called blessed because we are called by you to be a blessing to others.
Your mercy is from generation to generation.
Your mercy called Adam and Eve into being.
Your mercy kept vengeance from taking Cain’s life.
Your mercy saved Noah and his family from the flood.
Your mercy caused Sarah’s womb to be fruitful.
Your mercy gave Joseph’s dreams the power to save a nation.
Your mercy heard the Israelites’ cry and called Moses to action.
Your mercy charged Mary with the most special of tasks.
Your mercy strengthened Joseph to care for her.
Your mercy creates Jesus, who has come to save us.
We give you thanks for your mercy; may it continue to shine upon us!
Restore us, O God, and make your face to shine upon us that we might be saved.
We remember this day those upon our hearts that crave your shining face,
who long for the light, who need your power to drive out the darkness:
for those who suffer from depression and other mental illnesses,
for those who cannot bring themselves to forgive others,
for those who cannot forgive themselves,
for those who seek refuge, but have been denied shelter,
for those who seek shelter, but have been denied a home,
for those who have lost loved ones in the past year,
for those who have lost physical and mental abilities,
for those who care for aging spouses and loved ones,
for those who have been living with cancer and other debilitating illnesses.
Restore us, O God, and make your face to shine upon us that we might be saved.
We ask that you would strengthen us as a congregation:
as we seek to be the best stewards of the money with which we’ve been blessed,
as we struggle with the financial burden of an aging building,
as we search for the truth of your word and do our best to live it out in our lives,
as we hold in tension that which we have been with that which you call us to be,
as we serve one another and those with whom you called us into fellowship,
as we continue to grow together as a congregation in a period of transition,
as we wait, watch, and wonder in preparation of the coming of your Son.
Restore us, O God, and make your face to shine upon us that we might be saved.
Gracious God,
as we finish this advent journey,
may we wait with Mary’s joyful anticipation
as we prepare to welcome your Son, our Savior,
into this broken world in need of his redeeming.
Gather us, guide us, and keep us as your people.
Send us into the world that Christ’s hands might be our own,
and his mind one with ours in all that you would have us do.
Restore us, O God, and make your face to shine upon us that we might be saved. Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Stephen M. Fearing, Shelter Island Presbyterian Church, NY
dedication: carrying grace
Gracious God,
we thank you for the gifts before us
and ask that you bless them that we might use them to be a blessing to others.
As we finish this journey of Advent,
care for us as you did your servant Mary,
that we might serve you as she did,
carrying God’s grace into the world. Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Stephen M. Fearing, Shelter Island Presbyterian Church, NY
opening prayer: silence
One: We come into your holy place, O God, hoping for a glimpse of your presence
All: Silence us when we allow our voices to drown out yours.
Silence us when our words in the sanctuary and our actions outside do not line up.
Into that silence, speak again your word of life and your call to live the gospel.
One: Help us to be still and know that you are God.
Make space in our hearts and minds to trust your word—and not just our hearts and minds,
but also our choices and actions.
All: Tune our voices to sing of your glory, to share your good news.
And then open our lips, and our mouths shall proclaim your praise. Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, the Presbyterian Church of Palatine, IL
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