One: O Advent Day, O Day of Peace!
All: May the reign of Christ outlast the sun, outlive the moon—age after age after age!
One: We gather to wait together for our Savior, the Christ, whose birth is drawing near.
All: May he outlast the sun, outlive the moon—age after age after age!
One: Today, Scripture reminds us of our calling…to be those that co-create Peace…
All: May our efforts outlast the sun, outlive the moon—age after age after age!
One: Salvation will come from the places we least expect it, and arrive in the places most in need!
All: Come let us Worship! Come let us gather to hear the Story once again!
Let us remember that Jesus the Christ, the Savior of all
will outlast the sun, outlive the moon—age after age after age! Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Shannan Vance-Ocampo, Watchung Avenue Presbyterian Church, North Plainfield, NJ
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