Would make a great response to the Advent Candle Lighting (one verse per week).
Submitted by Rev. Stephen Fearing, Shelter Island Presbyterian Church, NY. Permission is given for use in worship. Please do not remove copyright information.
a community creating for the relentless return of Sunday
Would make a great response to the Advent Candle Lighting (one verse per week).
Submitted by Rev. Stephen Fearing, Shelter Island Presbyterian Church, NY. Permission is given for use in worship. Please do not remove copyright information.
O God, You are faithful to all generations—from the beginning of time, you have called all kinds of characters to be your people. When we forget that their story is our story, forgive us. When we admire them from afar while insisting that kind of faith isn’t practical for us, forgive us. We confess that your justice is too hard for us to do, and we prefer to create our own. We confess that we do not often bear the fruit you expect of your vineyard, resisting your kingdom’s way when it conflicts with our desires. Forgive us yet again, and plant your word of justice deep in our hearts and lives. Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, The Presbyterian Church of Palatine, IL
We believe that God has come to us;
that God brought us into being,
that this God gave us breath and purpose,
that we have been blessed to be a blessing to others,
that we have fallen short of this commandment
but that God has nevertheless loved us despite our brokenness.
We believe that God is coming to us;
that God is not happy to leave us alone,
that this God will come to us as a particular human being,
that God will be made known to us in flesh and bone like ours,
that Mary will soon give birth and Joseph will soon clap his hands in joy,
that Jesus Christ will be born and our salvation made complete.
We believe that God will come to us;
that God will have the final word and that Word will be good,
that this God will give us the presence of the Spirit to continue our work,
that we are called to be disciples to all the corners of the earth,
that the day is coming when tears and pain will be no more,
and all will gather at the Table to sing an endless and perfect “Alleluia!”
Submitted by Rev. Stephen M. Fearing, Shelter Island Presbyterian Church, NY
Week 1: Hope
Without hope, we have no direction, no purpose.
As we begin the season of Advent,
we wait in hopeful anticipation
of the newness God has brought and is bringing to this world.
We seek to live as a people of hope,
with our hearts set on our the life to come,
and our eyes set on the work we’re called to do in the meantime.
We light this candle to symbolize our hope in Jesus’ birth.
We gather to share this hope with one another.
Week 2: Peace
Without peace, we have no solace, no fulfillment.
As we continue the season of Advent,
we wait in hopeful anticipation
of the peace the Christ-child will bring to a weary world.
We seek to live as a people of peace,
working toward a world free of violence and vengeance,
where all can live free of abuse and fear.
We light this candle to symbolize the peace of Christ’s presence.
We gather to share this peace with one another.
Week 3: Joy
Without joy, we have no fulfillment to our lives.
As we continue the season of Advent,
we wait in joyful anticipation
of the happiness the Christ-child will bring to a world that needs it so desperately.
We seek to live as a people of joy
that share it with everyone we encounter,
to bless others with the happiness we have in Jesus Christ.
We light this candle to symbolize the joy we have in Christ’s presence.
We gather to share this joy with one another.
Week 4: Love
Without love, we have nothing,
wandering aimlessly in a world without hope.
As the season of Advent comes to a close,
we wait for love by practicing it,
by embodying the truth we trust in God-with-us.
We seek to live as people of love,
reciprocating that which has first been shown to us.
We light this candle to symbolize the love we have in Christ’s presence.
We gather to share this love with one another.
Submitted by Rev. Stephen M. Fearing, Shelter Island Presbyterian Church, IL.
Each week begins with a bit of the psalm for the day. This should be read by someone other than the person leading the “one” part of the candle liturgy. It is also perfectly okay to leave the psalm out if necessary or desired.
November 29 (Advent 1—2 Kings 22.1-10, 23.1-3: Listen // hope) Psalm 25.4-5
Reader: Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths.
Lead me in your truth, and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation;
for you I wait all day long.
One: In the beginning was the Word—
spoken and breathed,
a promise made and kept.
All: Listen and hear—
God’s promise is true!
One: The Word was in the beginning,
and through him all things come into being.
All: Eternal and near at hand,
Already and not-yet,
God’s promise is the foundation of all life.
One: Listen!
Hear the covenant anew, giving voice to a future with hope.
~candle is lit~
December 6 (Advent 2—Isaiah 40.21-11: Speak // peace) Psalm 126.2
Reader: Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy;
then it was said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.”
One: In the beginning was the Word—
spoken and breathed,
a promise made and kept.
All: Speak it loud and clear—
God’s promise is true!
One: The Word was in the beginning,
and through him all things come into being.
All: Eternal and near at hand,
Already and not-yet,
God’s promise is the foundation of all life.
One: Do not hold back!
Speak out, giving voice to God’s peace that passes all understanding.
~candle is lit~
December 13 (Advent 3—Ezra 1:1-4; 3:1-4, 10-13: Persevere // joy) Isaiah 12.5-6
Reader: Sing praises to the Lord, for he has done gloriously;
let this be known in all the earth.
Shout aloud and sing for joy, O royal Zion,
for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel.
One: In the beginning was the Word—
spoken and breathed,
a promise made and kept.
All: Persevere in hope, keep the faith—
God’s promise is true!
One: The Word was in the beginning,
and through him all things come into being.
All: Eternal and near at hand,
Already and not-yet,
God’s promise is the foundation of all life.
One: Keep going!
Persevere in joy, giving voice to God’s presence yet again.
~candle is lit~
December 20 (Advent 4—Luke 1.5-24a, 57-80: Trust // love) Luke 1.44-45
Reader: “As soon as I heard the sound of your greeting, the child in my womb leaped for joy. And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her by the Lord.”
One: In the beginning was the Word—
spoken and breathed,
a promise made and kept.
All: Trust the good news—
God’s promise is true!
One: The Word was in the beginning,
and through him all things come into being.
All: Eternal and near at hand,
Already and not-yet,
God’s promise is the foundation of all life.
One: Trust in God!
Wait with faith, giving voice to Christ’s love for all.
~candle is lit~
December 24 (Christmas Eve—Glorify) Psalm 96
Reader: O sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth.
Sing to the Lord, bless his name; tell of his salvation from day to day.
Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples.
One: In the beginning was the Word—
spoken and breathed,
a promise made and kept.
All: Glorify the Lord with me—
God’s promise is true!
One: The Word was in the beginning,
and through him all things come into being.
All: Eternal and near at hand,
Already and not-yet,
God’s promise is the foundation of all life.
One: Glory to God in the highest!
The Word is made flesh, giving voice to God’s promise yet again.
~candle is lit~
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, The Presbyterian Church of Palatine, IL
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