We trust God, whose Love and Justice are revealed over and over through creation, community, and story, through the voices of prophets and the lives of ordinary people, through a helpless newborn baby.
We trust Jesus the Christ, embodiment of God’s word, born a refugee, raised in poverty, dependent on the kindness of others. His obedience to God’s call brought him together with the most unlikely characters, and his insistence on God’s radical love for all led him to the cross. Yet God’s love was more powerful than human force, and on the third day love walked out of the tomb, alive and free in the world.
We trust the Holy Spirit, breath of all life, who blows where she will, calling us to the same path Jesus walked, and leading us all in the holy dance of life in the kingdom of God.
Even as days grow dark, even in the midst of uncertainty, even now: the fire of God’s love burns bright, the wind of the spirit cannot be contained, streams of living water flow in the desert, and all earth cries glory, as we wait the dawn of God’s new day.
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, the Presbyterian Church of Palatine, IL.
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