Are you the type who works on a whole season at a time? Are you seeking an Advent theme–or do you already have one to share that those of us who aren’t so ahead-of-the-game can adapt?
Or are you more the week-by-week see-where-the-Spirit-leads planner?
Either way, we’re looking toward Advent. It’s only a few Sundays away, so…what ideas do you have?
We’re looking for candle lighting liturgies, prayers of confession, Advent confessions of faith, prayers of dedication for the season after the stewardship campaign…
Put your ideas out there, submit your already-finished liturgy, or ask questions! We’re here to work together to create the Advent worship experience.
Maybe you have just one line, or even one word, that you’re looking to write liturgy around. Put that in the comments and let the community bounce ideas around until we have things ready to use (or tweak for our own context)!
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