a prayer of confession for any of those weedy stories, submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, Ridgefield-Crystal Lake Presbyterian Church, Crystal Lake, IL.
One: God, you scatter seeds of hope, abundance, and new life.
All: But we have mixed some of our own seeds—
seeds of fear, greed, apathy.
One: Then seeing our mistake, we have tried to purify the garden,
we have pushed out brothers and sisters,
built walls that isolate, and made rules that hurt.
All: Forgive our anxious weeding, O God,
and help us repair the garden of your kingdom.
One: Show us how to cultivate fruitfulness and hospitality,
a place of peace and grace.
All: Teach us to trust your skill, master gardener,
and to see your kingdom come. Amen.
call to confession / declaration of forgiveness
call to confession / declaration of forgiveness: mind over matter
submitted by Rev. Scott Cervas, Meadowthorpe Presbyterian Church, based on the epistle reading, Romans 7:15-25a.
We know what is good,
but we often do what is not.
So please join me in the prayer of confession…
(insert prayer of confession here)
Listen to the good news!
Though we know what is good,
and often do what is not,
God frees us from our guilt
so that we might be renewed
to accept our potential as part of God’s very good creation.
So let’s sing and give thanks to God!
call and response…
A call to confession and a declaration of forgiveness submitted by Rev. Laura Becker, Northminster Presbyterian Church in Chattanooga TN.
Call to Confession:
If we are honest with ourselves, we must admit that we all make mistakes. There are things we do – and there are things we neglect to do – that separate us from God, from one another, from ourselves. So trusting in the infinite grace of God, let us confess our mistakes and our longing for God.
Words of Assurance:
Hear the good news! In Jesus Christ, we are made new and offered the chance to begin again.
Believe the good news! We are forgiven. Amen.
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