Call to Reconciliation
In the carols, we are reminded the reason why God came to us in Jesus, so we might have life and share it with others. Let us confess how we have misused this great gift as we pray together, saying,
Unison Prayer of Confession
You came as a baby into our world,
forgive us for ignoring the children
who are hungry and lost around us.
You became weak for our sake,
forgive us when we we think
power is the only way to live.
You became poor to serve the world,
forgive us for our obsession with
wealth and material goods.
You became one of us, so we might draw closer to you, God of Christmas mornings, so have mercy on us. Comfort us, as you touch us with your steadfast love; strengthen us as your pour out your faithfulness on us; help us to sing the glad news of the coming of Jesus Christ our Lord, your Child, into our world.
Silence is kept
L: In the silence of that first morning, grace took a breath, a tiny hand clutched love, the Light of life came into the world that we might be forgiven.
P: We join all around us in singing the glad songs of Christmas joy this morning and all the days to come. Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Thom Shuman, Lectionary Liturgies
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