One: Come those who thirst for living water.
call to worship
call to worship: welcome
Welcome, you who are weak –
here may you find a sanctuary.
Welcome, you who are certain –
here may you be challenged.
Welcome, you who are unconvinced –
here may your questions be heard.
Welcome, you who honor God by abstaining –
here may you receive God’s good gifts.
Welcome, you who live for yourselves –
here may you find what is worth your whole life.
Welcome, you who live for the Lord –
here may you judge not
but give an account only
to the Lord of the dead and the living.
based on Romans 14:1-12
submitted by Rev. Doug Hagler, First Presbyterian Church, Phoenixville, PA
CTW: citizens of a kingdom
We come before the God of resident and alien, native and sojourner –
As Adam and Eve fled the Garden,
As Noah drifted rudderless,
As Abraham and Sarah fled famine, followed God, and journeyed everywhere but home
The God whose call knows no borders –
As Israel and Joseph were reunited and reconciled as refugees in Egypt
As Moses, a refugee was saved from death
As the Hebrews fled Egypt without time even to bake bread
The God of refuge, who chooses the poor –
Whose Law a dozen times demands justice for native and alien alike,
Who calls us to leave the gleanings for the poor and refugee,
For whom Cities of Refuge were built to house all those fleeing persecution
We come before this very God, citizens in a Kingdom that is alien to the world –
Called to love strangers as God does,
To follow Jesus the refugee who fled persecution
And to offer hospitality to all; to welcome as we have been welcomed.
CTW: who do you say?
Jesus asks us, “Who do you say that I am?”
O Lord, we say you are the Son of God,
but sometimes you just seem so plain human.
Jesus asks us, “Who do you say that I am?”
Lord Christ, we say you are the Messiah, the anointed One,
but we’d expected a warrior or a king or a high priest.
Jesus asks us, “Who do you say that I am?”
We say that you are Lord; we say that you are Savior.
But the words on our lips are not always in our hearts.
I ask you, who do you say Jesus is?
Our lives tell the story of who we believe Jesus to be.
May we demonstrate through our worship
our faith in the Living Word of God.
submitted by Rev. Rebecca Page Lesley, Green Acres Presbyterian Church, Portsmouth, VA
CTW: in the storm
One: In the storm, during the fire, despite the strong wind,
All: the Spirit is steadfastly present.
One: God brings a word of peace, gentle as a kiss,
All: therefore we will not fear.
One: Responding to God’s goodness and love,
All: Come, let us step forth to meet Jesus.
Submitted by Rev. Betsy Turner, Luther Hays Presbyterian Church, Hayston, Georgia
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