We believe that God has come to us as a little child,
making our weakness his strength,
securing our salvation by becoming one of us,
blessing us with with a steadfast savior,
filling our hearts with joy to be shared with one another.
We believe that God has birthed righteousness and justice into the world,
giving us a law that will be written upon our hearts,
making the cause of the oppressed the highest priority,
declaring an everlasting reign of peace,
defeating the power of pain and suffering.
We believe that God calls us to participate in this reality of love,
inviting us to proclaim Christ’s resurrection at the Table,
transforming us as disciples to go out into the world,
sending us forth to announce his kingdom of peace and comfort,
challenging us to see everyone as nothing less than beloved children.
This we believe.
This we preach.
This we seek to embody in word and deed.
prayer: you break forth
God of all Goodness and Grace,
tonight, you break forth into a world waiting in wonder.
So long we have waited,
so long we have watched,
so long we have wondered what tonight would bring.
To you we ascribe all thanksgiving and praise
for you alone are our hope and our salvation.
You alone are the light that has come to rescue us from ourselves.
You alone are worthy of our worship and you alone are our King!
Come to us on this blessed evening and hear our joyful welcome!
Come to us, Holy Savior, and send your Spirit to tell us a story,
the story of salvation’s birth and hope’s fullest fruition! Amen.
CTW: newborn Light
We gather in the darkness of evening to celebrate the newborn Light.
With family and friends we worship and adore the Christ-child.
With Mary we will ponder these things in our hearts.
With Joseph we will give thanks to the Lord for God’s steadfast love.
Lift up your hearts in thanksgiving, for a child, the Child, has been born!
We gather to worship him and welcome his peaceful kingdom.
His name will be blessed among all the earth;
His reign shall have no end!
Come, our wait is finished! Let us worship the newborn King!
Christmas Eve wreath lighting
Lighting the Four Candles
(the sung response between each candle is optional. For the Christ Candle liturgy, scroll to the bottom)
Together, we light this candle of hope
to represent the longing that resides in our hearts:
for a safer world,
for a world rid of warfare and oppression,
fear and hatred.
Only light will drive out the darkness.
This hope is found in the God who has come to save us.
Light One Candle For Messiah–Hymn No. 85 in Glory to God (verse 1)
Together, we light this candle of peace
to represent the unity we have amongst each other:
as human beings,
as beloved children of God,
as disciples called to live in harmony with one another.
Only as partners in peace can we stand against violence.
This peace is found in a newborn child, cradled in his mother’s arms.
Hymn No. 85 in Glory to God (verse 2)
Together, we light this candle of joy
to represent the delight that is found in the coming of our savior:
in the birth of hope,
in the fruition of faithfulness,
in the warmth of God’s love for a broken world.
Only joy can give us strength to continue our work.
This joy is found in a God who finds joy in us!
Hymn No. 85 in Glory to God (verse 3)
Together, we light this candle of love
to represent the home we have in God’s steadfast shalom:
a home built with peace and kindness,
righteousness and justice,
where all are invited to the Table to partake in the feast.
Only love can bring us together. Only love can save our souls.
This love is found tonight in a manger, in Mary’s arm and in our own.
Hymn No. 85 in Glory to God (verse 4)
Long we have waited, long we have watched for his coming.
God is not satisfied to remain apart from us, God must be one among us.
We are God’s people, shepherd of God’s flock,
children of God’s redeeming.
We light this candle to represent Christ’s presence, his everlasting reign.
We give thanks to God for the fulfillment of hope, peace, joy, and love.
hymn: Good People Come and Listen
Here is a Christmas hymn that would work especially well for either a Christmas Eve service or a Christmas Day service (as well as the rest of the season of Christmas). It is written to the tune BEREDEN VAG FOR HERRAN which is commonly sung to the hymn “Prepare the Way, O Zion.” The meter is with refrain.
This hymn has at least two possibilities for singing:
- Have everyone sing every verse, or,
- Have a cantor sing verse 1, the choir sing verse 2, and everyone sing verse 3.
Submitted by Rev. Stephen Fearing, Shelter Island Presbyterian Church, NY. Permission is given for use in worship–please do not remove copyright information.
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