The Lord be with you.
And also with you.
Lift up your hearts.
We lift them up to the Lord.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give our thanks and praise.
We bless you, O Lord, God of Israel,
for you have come to your people and set them free.
You have turned your attention to our bondage,
and from one house and one people,
you have raised up a mighty Savior for all people.
We give thanks for your ancient promise of salvation,
to do away with enmity and restore your holy covenant.
This was your promise to our father Abraham:
to set all people free from oppression,
so we might worship you without fear,
holy and righteous before you,
all the days of our lives.
Acknowledging your steadfast faithfulness,
we join our voices with your beloved ones around the world and in every time,
singing praise to the glory of your name:
Holy, holy, holy Lord…
You are indeed holy, O Most High,
and most blessed is your Son Jesus Christ,
who is the Way of freedom,
the Truth of salvation,
and the Life of forgiveness of sin.
In your tender compassion, O God,
send your Holy Spirit upon this community
as we join your whole church around this table.
Let the dawn of redeeming love break upon us from on high,
and may your holy light shine through us
for all who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death.
Guide our feet into the way of peace,
we pray through Jesus Christ, who taught us to pray, saying:
The Lord’s Prayer
Submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams, Echo Hill Presbyterian Church, Cedar Rapids IA
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