O God of highest heaven,
we give you thanks and praise
for your steadfast faithfulness to us.
You divide the chaos and call forth order.
You appear in barren lives and call forth new life.
You never give up on us, even when we seem to have given up on you.
O God of highest heaven,
we sing glory to you
for coming to dwell among us.
We celebrate the gift of your beloved Son,
given to us in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
As he was born for us in Bethlehem so long ago,
may he be born in our hearts again tonight.
May he teach us your ways,
call us back to relationship with you,
and send us out in loving service to all people.
O God of highest heaven,
come to us now.
Let your Holy Spirit fill us as we share this holy meal,
and through us let peace prevail on earth.
We pray in the name of the newborn King,
Jesus the Christ, who would teach us to pray as we say together:
Submitted by Rev. Nathan Williams, Echo Hill Presbyterian Church, Cedar Rapids, IA
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