Blessed are you, O Lord our God, ruler of the universe,
for you created all things, and called them good.
You called for yourself a people, and called us good.
You show us the way to live in your kingdom,
and even when we turn away or lose sight of the path,
still your voice echoes, calling us to return and follow you,
trusting in your powerful promise.
We give you thanks and praise for your faithfulness and your goodness,
for your many blessings and gifts,
and especially for the gift of Jesus Christ your son.
Living among us, he shared our experiences:
joy, pain, dreams, sorrow, laughter, tears, hope, frustration, love.
Obedient to your call,
he ate with sinners, included outcasts, taught losers,
and offered his very life as a witness to your love.
The kingdoms of this world thought they could contain him,
thought they could put a stop to your grace,
but on the third day even Caesar knew who the real king was.
We give you thanks and praise for our citizenship in your kingdom,
and we lift up our voices, our hearts, and our lives in gratitude.
You, Lord, call us to let your glory shine in our lives,
to offer everyone a glimpse of your kingdom,
to live differently in order that all might know you in us.
May your kingdom rise up in this place,
in our words and deeds, our choices and relationships.
As we come to your table,
May your Spirit fill this bread and wine & fill this community.
Make us again into your body,
loving, serving, and caring
for this world where you have placed us,
seeking the welfare of this city, trusting in your presence,
until we are transformed into the likeness of Christ our king.
We pray these, and all things, in the name of the One who fulfills your promise, even now, Jesus the Christ, who taught us to pray together…
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, the Presbyterian Church of Palatine, IL
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