Submitted by Rev. Lucus Keppel, Ancho Community Presbyterian Church & Corona United Presbyterian Church, New Mexico
confession: reform and transform
Call to Reconciliation
Seeking to follow Jesus, we often wander down the wrong roads. Impatient
with God’s schedule, we rush off to do things our way. Let us confess our
foolishness, that we might receive God’s hope for our lives.
Unison Prayer of Confession
Your words are given to us, Author of Life, so we might be reformed,
but we are intent on changing others. Your words are offered to us so we
might be transformed, but we are focused on conforming to our culture. Your
words are spoken to lead us into new life, but we hold our old ways tight to
our chests.
Forgive us, God of Wonder. Do not remember our sins, but continue to
touch us with your steadfast mercy. Show us how to be persistent in living
out our faith, even as you were so tenacious in offering us your grace and
life in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
Silence is kept
Assurance of Pardon
L: Jesus reminds us that we are to be resolute in our lives of faithfulness
and service. The good news is that God is steadfast in filling us with love
and grace.
P: We are forgiven people. May we live as sisters and brothers in Christ,
God’s children in word and deed, in hope and joy. Thanks be to God. Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Thom Shuman, Lectionary Liturgies.
confession: we worship so many things
God of our ancestors, Creator of our universe, Lord of our lives, we worship so many things. With our time and our energy and our money, we worship so many things. We worship financial stability, we worship material possessions, we worship education, we worship “success,” we worship family, we worship tradition. Yet you have clearly commanded us to not bow down and worship idols that we have created for ourselves. Forgive us Lord. Have mercy on our misplaced worship.
Silent prayers of confession
Gracious God, forgive us and heal us of our unholy habit to worship anything other than you. For you are our God, our Creator, and our Lord, and you alone are worthy of our worship and praise. So send your Spirit to inspire us to worship you with our whole selves: our time, our energy, our financial decisions, our relationships, and our very lives. Amen.
Submitted by Rev Berry French, Black Mountain Presbyterian Church, Black Mountain, NC.
confession: the word of the lord is rare?
Speaking God, it often seems as if the word of the Lord is rare in our days. We confess that we, your servants, may not be listening. We prefer to do what we want, labeling our desires with your name and calling them blessed. We disregard your voice when it comes from unpleasant quarters or through people with whom we disagree. We insist that there is no other way. We shut out and shut down, rather than waiting to hear your word. We confess our minds and hearts are often closed, our ears ringing with our own voices. Silence in us every voice but your own, and make yourself heard in this place again.
Forgive us, O God.
Speak again into our confusion, our brokenness, our darkness, and lead us in your way of grace and truth. Amen.
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson, the Presbyterian Church of Palatine, IL.
confession: upside down kingdom
ALL: God of the upside down kingdom, reorient us; for we seek to hide what you would have shine. From our fall in Eden, we have been embarrassed by the fullness of our humanity, and in our shame and fear have hidden ourselves from you.
Forgive us, Lord, for it is truly our kingdoms which are upside down, and yours which is right side up. We need your help if we are to see the goodness of your creation, that we may rightly reflect Your goodness to the world.
Oh God of light, make us to be Your light, for the sake of Your salvation …
… continue in silent prayer and meditation …
ONE: Lord in Your mercy, hear our prayer
ALL: Amen
ONE: Hear the good news! The God of creation is a proud and merciful creator. We who bear God’s image may also expect to receive God’s grace. Though we have sought to recreate ourselves according to our shame and fear, we may be assured of this: If anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation! The old has gone, and the new has come. Know that you are forgiven and be at peace!
ALL: Thanks be to God!
Submitted by Will Norman, First Presbyterian Church, Atlanta GA
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